Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm here!

After almost two full days of traveling, we arrived in Dar es Salaam. I have a few blog entries written out on my laptop, but I think they may have to wait until Kigoma to be posted. We only just found an internet cafe, and it's painfully slow. We're stuck in Dar until Monday, which was the first flight we could get seats on to Kigoma. We've already been in contact with Dr. Godfrey Mburuku, who we will be working with on the project, and it looks like we'll be starting on Tuesday or Wednesday. He sounds very eager to start the project, which is good because we are anxious to get things started.

I'm really happy to be here, but very ready to leave for Kigoma. At first, the country really reminded me of being in Barbados, but just with a slightly different feel to it. It was almost comfortably familiar. But now that I've been here a couple of days and the jet lag has wore off, I really feel like I'm in Africa - it's crazy! Dar is full of energy - it's full of people and cars all day long, and the heat and humidity add to the wildness of it. It's so full of energy it seems to suck the energy out of me! We're looking forward to the cooler, and hopefully more tranquil Kigoma.


Unknown said...

Hi Martine,
I am glad to hear that you arrived safe and sound. I am really looking forward to reading your blog throughout this summer to learn about all your work and everything you are experiencing!

Rachel said...


I am leaving in a few weeks. I had a dream about you in Tanzania last night...I think I was visiting you. I guess thats what a night of heavy drinking in the lower haight will do you! I miss MPH school, medicine is hard :(


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl!! You are my new idol!!! I am so glad you are following your path. You really inspire me and show me that anything is possible. Good luck and I look forward to a picture date when you return!
~Love YA!! Heidi